Locations:  UM, FIU and Doral


STEAM Elective

Early Bird Special

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STEAM Elective

Weekly Wise Choice Summer Camps - Themes Subject to Change

WeekDatesSTEAM Elective Classes - Curriculum
#16/10/25Space War Robotics & Jedi Masters
#26/17/25Amusement Park Adventures
#36/24/25Robopets & Creature Creators
#47/01/25Wonderful Wizards & Superstructures
#57/08/25Combat Robots & Mega Machine Robotics
#67/15/25KinderBots & GameBots
#77/22/25Mechanical Masterminds
#87/29/25Minecraft & Movie Animation

Week1– Space War Robotics & Jedi Masters
Robotics inspired by Star Wars Space Travel! Coma on an Adventure building programming functional robots using LEGO bricksin thi super-fun program.Learn About Space,space travel ans Star Wars! Build different robots each day!

Week2– Amusement Park
In this Themed Engineering program ,students use LEGO® bricks to make their favorite coasters and awesome rides.Students Learn how to power their rides with a motor & explore gear ratio to make the rides go super-slow/super-fast

Week 3 – RobotPets & Creature Creator Robotics or Combat Robots
Your animal lover will create animal inspiredrobotics models. Students learngear ratio, sensors, and programming simple machines tobuild insects, dolphins, gorillas & more. Your child willhave a wild time as they build,learn and play

Week 4 – Super Structures and Wonderful Wizards
Can youdesignthe next Taj Mahal? Come createand build the future using LEGOBricksin ournew and exciting Architecture class! It’snever too earlyto foster yourchild’sengineering andbuilding skillsin thissuper cool program.

Week 5 - Combat Robots & Mega Machine Robotics
Can you build the strongest and most agile robot? Can your robot win ahead-to head combat mission? In this class, students will build a COMBATROBOT, learn how to WIN in COMBAT by learning different strategies to that make their Robots stronger, faster,more agile etc. Students should be prepared to have tons of fun!

Week 6- KinderBots & GameBots

Week 7- Mechanical Masterminds
Is your student inquisitive, a problem-solver, a big-thinker, a tinkerer, a puzzler, a LEGO® lover, or a budding engineer? ;If so,they’re the perfect fit for Snapology’s Developing Engineers: Mechanical Masterminds program! This program gives;yourstudent the tools they need to understand mechanical movement through the foundations of simple machines, physics, and engineering design. They will see moving parts up-close as they follow instructions to build various machines, then use the models to develop new design ideas, test out physics concepts, and even play games with their partners and lassmates.Whether they are the creative-constructive type or prefer the inquisitivedeductive way of learning, this program is sure to spark their intere

Week 8- Minecraft & Movie Animation
Create an amazing Minecraft movie with stop motion animation using LEGO® bricks. Children will work in teams to build a Minecraft world and produce their very own movie complete with dialogue and sound effects. Movies are uploaded to a secure site for family and friends to see how cool they are!